Parable #9: The Lost Son
Parables071623 | THE LOST SON | Luke 15:11-32
Luke chapter 15 contains three stories about valued things which are lost and then found. First there is the lost sheep story. Secondly, the lost coin. Thirdly, the lost son.
The story about the son and his father has a lot of helpful spiritual meaning which we need to help us today. I believe it is the most “modern” story that Jesus taught. Its’ themes are so 21st century!
Now Jesus’ story is a parable; a story in a human life setting with a divine meaning and purpose. Jesus’ meaning is that the son leaves his home in rebellion. As a rebel against the father he becomes wasteful, lost, corrupted and eventually ruined.
We find here The Rebel Son and the Loving Father.
Jesus’ purpose is to teach us that we have become lost in sin through our own willful actions and that God has loved us back to Himself.