August 6, 2023

Parable #10: Undeserved Grace

Passage: Matthew 20:1-16
Service Type:

Parables 080623 am | UNDESERVED GRACE | Matthew 20:1-16 | Jeremiah 32:40-41 | Romans 5:8

This story takes a strange twist when the foreman is passing out the wages. Those who were hired last get paid first and they receive 1 denarius. They’re shocked and feeling great! Those who were hired first are assuming they’re going to be making big money. Maybe they’ll get 2 or 3 denarius or more. But they received what was promised – 1 denarius.

They become angry and even petty, as the worldly attitude of entitlement takes hold.. . . They questioned the owner, “Why do those who worked only one or two hours make the same wage we do?”

Take time to examine this parable and watch the beauty of UNDERSERVED GRACE.