To Know Him

January 6, 2019
Bible Text: Philippians 3:1-11 | Preacher: Jeff Fuller | Series: One Goal | Our Goal as believers is to Know Christ and Be Like Him.  In this message we explore…

He Was the Lamb!

December 23, 2018
Bible Text: Psalm 95; John 1:29 | Preacher: Jeff Fuller | Series: Come Adore Him | Jesus was and is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of…
Bible Text: Isaiah 9:2-12 | Preacher: Jeff Fuller | Series: Christmas 2018 | Today we explore the characteristics of Jesus as a Great Teacher from scripture. We adore Him as…

Demands of Discipleship

October 28, 2018
Bible Text: Mark 8:34-38 | We are instructed to be a follower of Christ.  Disciples who will deny ourselves, take up the Cross and follow Him wherever He leads.  This…