An Open Letter to RBC

Reference to COVID-19:

“The World Health Organization has been assessing this outbreak around the clock and we are deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity, and by the alarming levels of inaction.

We have therefore made the assessment that COVID-19 can be characterized as a pandemic.

Pandemic is not a word to use lightly or carelessly. It is a word that, if misused, can cause unreasonable fear, or unjustified acceptance that the fight is over, leading to unnecessary suffering and death.”

Jesus said:

“Don’t fear those who kill the body but are not able to kill the soul; rather, fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. Aren’t two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them falls to the ground without your Father’s consent. But even the hairs of your head have all been counted. So don’t be afraid therefore; you are worth more than many sparrows.” (Matthew 10:28-31 HCSB)

In the Bible we find forms of the phrase, “Fear not,” “Do not Fear,” over 365 times.  We also see incidents, such as the verse above, where we are reminded to keep our trust in a God who will not falter or fail.  God’s people are a people who are cared for and attended by the almighty hand of the Heavenly Father.  We can trust Him in situations, even as we find ourselves in “such a time as this.”

This time of fear, as people run about attempting to grab the last package of toilet paper, is causing a great deal of concern.  This afternoon, Alabama has the first REPORTED CASE of COVID-19.  This was a Montgomery County resident who had traveled outside of the state, returned and was tested on Thursday.  Results returned positive early this morning, but this person has other “chronic health problems” putting them at risk.

We are not to fear, we are not to panic; but we must be very mindful of being prepared.

Tomorrow (Saturday, March 13, 2020), the church facilities will be cleaned with the utmost care.  Every surface will be properly sanitized, disinfectant will be used, and we will pray over the House of Worship.  After services on Sunday, we will disinfect all surfaces which are come in contact with, and anything else which requires extra attention.

Sunday, we have HIS Place residents from Opelika (a men’s Christian based drug recovery ministry) which will be sharing in the morning service.  I have been in contact with their leadership and have been assured there are none which are sick, but should someone become ill before Sunday morning, that individual will stay behind.

Due to the flu circulating through the community over the past month, attendance has been down and honestly, if someone is showing any illness or has a compromised immune system, being in services should be excluded until they are well or there is no possibility of contracted germs from those around them.

Beginning this Sunday, I would suggest that we refrain from close contact by keeping our distance in both the classroom and the Sanctuary, limit handshaking, and dispense with the “greeting time” during the services.  There is an abundance of hand-sanitizer in the pews, a large pump bottle in the Atrium and on the table inside the Sanctuary, and at the rear door of the Educational Building.  Keep your hands clean; wash them frequently.

Be wise and discerning. Use common sense.  If you are sick, running a fever, have unusual coughing spells: You may want to self-quarantine for a while.  This means take precautions and see the doctor should the symptoms become more complicated.  It does not mean just skipping church, but it also means avoiding other crowds or shopping locations.

The good news is you can watch live on Facebook at 11:00 AM. If the conditions worsen, I will continue the Sunday Morning Live Stream, even if we need to cancel services.  Should that time come, I will also prepare an online Bible Study and recruit others who have the ability and knowledge to do the same.  Yet, please keep in mind that your church has bills to pay and these will continue to be due and payable, so be faithful in your giving.  While we have not set up online giving, you may mail your checks to Rockford Baptist Church, PO Box 187, Rockford, Alabama.

The deacons and I will continue, to the best of our ability, ministering to you and the needs of your family. Therefore, if you need ANYTHING, we will be available.  Hospitals and Nursing Homes are restricting access to patients, so we will check on you by phone.

I will continue to monitor the situation and with the wise guidance of our deacons and other leadership, take appropriate measures as the needs arise.

May we join together in prayer and trust in God during these days…

Pastor Fuller


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Jodi

    Thanks you Jeff!! We will follow your lead.

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