Fish and Game Banquet on February 21!


A few years ago Joel Glover, working with Bro. Wayne Henderson organized a wild game supper, which was a huge success. Therefore, in his memory Melanie has consented for RBC and Central Baptist Association to host a Fish and Game Banquet in Joel’s memory.

As we come together on February 21, it will be a time of fellowship, sharing friendship, and food. We are inviting attendees to bring a dish of wild game, for tasting and an opportunity trying a variety of meats and fish.

We will provide the meal and desserts for the evening. There will be tea, water, and coffee.

Our special guest will be Mr. Jim Hardy. An avid hunter who understands the verse, “Where your treasure is, there will be your heart also.” Mr. Hardy shares his knowledge and passion with others who have physical limitations, showing them there is nothing that can steal their joy of the outdoors. Through Outdoor Friends Forever (OFF) and Hardy Farms, Jim Hardy is making a difference in the lives of others.

(Check out the work of Outdoor Friends Forever)

There will be door prizes! The grand prize-two grand prizes-will be a complete set of Joel Glovers books about hunting fishing, and law breakers. Another door prizes will be outdoor, camping, hunting, fishing related.

This is a FREE EVENT, with RBC and Central Baptist Association providing financial backing. Yet, we will have a place for those in attendance to give a LOVE GIFT, which will assist our association’s mission trips to Alaska and Vermont.