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Transcript 102020
RBC LIVE PodCast Episode 1-20
Hello, this is Pastor Fuller and this is your digital podcast for information, news, views, and encouragement from Rockford Baptist Church. Join me today as we spend time connecting, having conversation, and communicating the Good News. We may be apart-social distancing-but we are together, as we are joined with the thread of a family founded in faith. It is the blood of Jesus that brings us together…into the family of God.
RBC Live is the monthly newsletter from Rockford Baptist Church. You will find this newsletter posted as a PDF file on our website at Rockford Baptist church dot org under the digital communication tab.
This podcast is a more detailed informational presentation of the RBC Live newsletter. We invite you to join Pastor Fuller and his guest, as we share together as a family of faith. We are serving the Father in ministry as the body of Christ meeting in Rockford, Alabama. Now, lets go to the studio for today’s episode of RBC The Podcast, with Pastor Fuller.
Introductory Remarks
Welcome to this episode of RBC The Podcast. Thank you for joining me today as we share information about these exciting days at Rockford. What a wonderful time we are having in the midst of such a difficult time. Though we are out of the building, or have been out of the meeting house, we have still been active in the work of ministry. I don’t have time to tell you all those things in one episode, but I will be telling you some of those wonderful moments in future episodes.
Today I want to begin by telling you about the ONLINE Campus.
Review ONLINE Campus
In March, March the 15th we made the decision, a difficult decision to cease our on campus activities for a few weeks, which actually went longer than a few weeks-seven months without being together in the meeting house on the corner of US Highway 231 and Nixburg.
While a number of churches were scrambling to find some solution for a “shut down”, while due to the wisdom and vision of the leadership at Rockford, we were already prepared for the launching of an ONLINE Campus.
We immediately began using social media to broadcast Sunday morning and Wednesday night programs to those who would view, live or at a later time on our Facebook page. Before March 15, we would have as many as 25 watching live during the 11 o’clock worship service and around 125 views by the Wednesday of the week. On Wednesday night we would see around an average of 12 for prayer meeting. After we began posting live Sunday morning and Wednesday night, streaming from the sanctuary there would be as many as 100 watching live, with 300-400 views by the middle of the week. These are the number consistently viewing our videos during the pandemic.
To assist in Bible Study, I began a live or pre-recorded Saturday morning program, and this was something which would reach a small group of people. While I enjoyed these times, it began to be more than I could handle, so we discontinued this program after a two-month run. But the week before Easter, I began a weekday devotional of our spiritual walk to the cross and saw a great response, which prompted me to continue this live devotional time, which now has a regular following of around 200 individuals.
During this time, we attempted Drive-In Worship Celebration in the back-parking lot. We started at 10:15 on Sunday morning, then the heat and humidity made us move it to 9:30. Still that was not helpful, so we moved back to live online only. In September we moved to the Family Life Center with certain protocols in place for a 10 am service, which we are continuing to do and enjoy.
While the regathering numbers are not what I expected, the spirit of those joined together is wonderful and the numbers of those watching continues to run around 100 during the live stream, with another 300 watching within the first part of the week.
I’m thankful for what God is doing through the ONLINE Campus and how He is gradually moving us toward home.
While we regather in the Family Life Center-our Tabernacle and at some point, soon we will move “home” to the Sanctuary-our Temple, I am excited about the opportunities we are having to share the message of Christ in unique ways in a time such as this…
Overview of October/November Events
October events are affording the opportunity to share the message of Christ. We will have our Truck or Treat in a scaled down version. The Town of Rockford is joining us on the main road, along the sidewalks to share in a time with the children. This will be from 5-8 on October 31. We need candy! If you will provide a bag or two for us, please contact me or bring it with you to the 10 Worship Celebration and leave in the box at the door.
Thank you for helping us with the Myers/Mallory offering for State Missions in the month of September.
Social Media
As I have already shared on this podcast, we have used Social Media, especially our Facebook page a great deal since March 15. Each day of the week the devotions from my patio are posted there after I have completed my live broadcast on my timeline. Sunday morning, we live stream the Worship Celebration on the church Facebook page and my personal page at 10. Then at 3 we post the message from the morning service on my timeline and the church timeline. At 6 we post the pre-recorded worship and the Word on the church page and my page. On Wednesday night we post Prayer and Inspiration on the church page and my page.
This means on the church Facebook timeline we have six days of video’s posted! That is six days we are sharing the message of Christ. Six days we are engaging people, around the nation and the world.
There are others pages as well, the one most often seen by you would be RBC Online Live. This is a page where the videos are uploaded and scheduled for posting, some a week ahead of time.
Of course, you have already found the YouTube Channel for the Church. Here is where the podcast is being stored and accessed. You may find some of the old posting of services dating back several years, which I must say we are getting better, but still working on getting better with each production. Please go to the top of the YouTube channel page and subscribe. This is important, as it will give us more opportunities on this channel without paying for the services. Please subscribe!
Awesome! Just awesome!
Scripture Thought
“Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.” James 4:8 (HCSB)
We draw near through prayer, we draw near through time spent in the Word of God. We draw near to Him through time spent with the family of God.
Draw near…
When we are feeling lost and confused, troubled and sorrowful…
Draw near…
When life has thrown you into a cycle of issues where there seems to be no way out…
Draw near…
He is waiting and ready to hold you, shelter you, comfort you…
Draw near…
He will correct you, forgive you, cleanse you, wash you…
Draw near…
“Father, we come to you, moving into your warm embrace. Seeking you in our time of struggles and heartaches. We come seeking your forgiveness. We desire your help. We want to be consumed with your presence. Amen.”
I believe that the only thing I need to remind you of is this is an important point in our nation, and it is vital you vote. Encourage others to do so as well. November 3, go to the polls and let your voice be heard.
This wraps up episode one and the premiere of RBC The PodCast. We will be back with episode two in the first two weeks of November. The newsletter with post by the third day of November and we’ll start production of the podcast that week. Be watching as we share a time of thanksgiving together, thanking God for bountiful blessings even in a time like this.
I love you very much, but Jesus loves you a great deal more. Until next time…
Hey folks, we hope you have enjoyed this time together for this episode of RBC The Podcast. We are thankful you have joined us for this production of Rockford Baptist Church and the Rockford Church ONLINE Campus.
If you wish to contact us, please use our email at r b c coosa at g mail dot com. You may phone the office at two five six three seven seven four nine zero zero . You may mail contributions or correspondence to 95 75 u s Highway 2 31, Rockford, 3 5 1 3 6.
Come join us on the world wide web at Rockford Baptist church dot org.
Looking forward to seeing you again in a few weeks for the next episode of RBC The Podcast.