This is Sermon #1 in a series WHY DOES THE CHURCH EXIST. The church Exists to Exalt the Savior, To Evangelize the Lost, To Equip, Encourage, and Edify The Saints.
Today we will explore Luke 10:25-37 by looking at the question, "Who is my neighbor?" This is a parable of the Lord which speaks to the life of the believer…
Today we examine a passage of Scripture that reveals the concerns of four friends from one who is paralyzed. While they desire to do a good deed, and see the…

Are You Washed in the Blood

February 12, 2023
A simple message on the need to be saved.
This month we are looking into examples of those doing good deeds, as we learn how we might conduct ourselves as Christians. Today we will examine the lady who did…

Praise the Lord Hebrews 13:13-17 Today we review the goodness and mercy of God as we apply it to the Theme verse for 2023 (Hebrews 13:16). As we do the…
Four Things to Do Hebrews 13:16 As we introduce the theme verse for 2023, there are four decidedly important things to do now which will aid us in carrying out…
Trading Old for New Hebrews 13:8-16 As a believer of Jesus Christ, we are being created into the likeness of Christ. Our old man of sin is crucified and the…
120422am JESUS IS OUR SOURCE FOR LIGHT John 1:1-4 The Christmas season is officially here. It began as soon as the Thanksgiving dinner was over. Some radio stations and satellite/internet…